

What is Wellbeing?

Wellbeing is about holistic health, including physical and emotional. When we have good levels of wellbeing we feel that life is in balance and that we can generally cope well. We feel motivated and engaged, we are resilient and able to deal effectively with daily troubles, as well as 'bounce back' from life's challenges. Good wellbeing is essential for cultivating a mentally healthy school, for retaining and motivating staff and for promoting children's well being ans attainment.

As school staff and children juggle a multitude of different tasks and demands, it is important that everyone is given the right emotional and practical support so that they can, in turn, support others within our environment and community. In addition to having a positive impact on colleagues and children, good levels of wellbeing can improve performance and help reduce absence, increase productivity and promote engagement.

Wellbeing Policy Report a Concern

Supporting Wellbeing

As a school our caring ethos and environment has a major impact on the wellbeing of our staff and children. We clearly define our culture and vision, making it clear what behaviours, values and beliefs underpin it. We prioritise building a culture of trust where school staff and children feel valued, can be open about their health and wellbeing and know how to access support if they need it.

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Our vision and values are referred to throughout the day and are fully embedded within our learning environment. They are weaved into everything we do. We have school council, Wellbeing Champions and run a range of extra curricular clubs. In classes, we have worry boxes, teach PSHE (personal, social and health education) and walk the daily mile. 

Our Wellbeing Champions

Wellbeing Award

Here at Preston Primary School, we value the health and well-being of all our students and staff so we are excited to announce that we have signed up to the Well-being Award for Schools (WAS), administered by Award Place in partnership with the National Children's Bureau. We have signed up to this award to further develop our work to promote positive well-being and mental health for the whole school community and gain accreditation for the work we have already done. It also ties in with our school strategy to help our students become caring, active citizens and achieve excellence.

In July 2023 we achieved the Wellbeing Award Status for 2023-26.

About the Award

There are eight objectives to achieve within the Well-being Award Framework, containing several Key Performance Indicators set out within each. The award focuses on ensuring effective practice and provision is in place that promotes the emotional well-being and mental health of both staff and pupils. The award will enable us to develop these practices where necessary and help us to ensure that well-being is embedded in the long-term culture of our school. It will help us to create an ethos where mental health is regarded as the responsibility of all.

With this award, we demonstrate our commitment to:

  • Promoting mental health as part of every day school life;
  • Improving the emotional well-being of our staff and pupils;
  • Ensuring mental health problems are identified early and appropriate support provided;
  • Offering provision and interventions that matches the needs of our pupils and staff;
  • Promoting the importance of mental health awareness;
  • Capturing the views of parents, pupils and teachers on mental health issues.

Our award verification report is available to download here ...

WAS Verification Report

Wellbeing Strategy

Why do we need a wellbeing and mental health strategy?

Our strategy looks at the areas of wellbeing and mental health that we believe can make the most difference to our staff, pupils and parents in the school community. Our aim is  to ensure that everyone is able to maintain positive wellbeing and mental health.

We aim to: 

  • Create a shared understanding of all aspects of mental health.
  • Empower everyone to understand their own wellbeing and to be proactive in supporting it. 
  • Increase awareness and understanding among staff and parents/carers of issues involving the mental health of young people
  • Detect and support problems in the earliest stages 
  • increase the support available to children, staff and parents/carers for mental health issues in partnership with outside health agencies and groups 
  • Continue to promote positivity around mental wellbeing 
  • Reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues

Strategic overview 

To implement our school’s vision, the Head teacher and Governors committed to working towards the Wellbeing Award for Schools in September 2022.. The Headteacher has responsibility for Wellbeing and has completed accredited Adult and Youth Mental Health First Aider training and  Mental Health Advocacy in the Workplace.. She has worked closely with the SENCO  on developing culture and provision for the wellbeing and positive mental health of pupils, staff and parents. 

Ensuring staff have adequate training on wellbeing and mental health  has been key to this as well as working with our Wellbeing Committee to lead the  drive to positive wellbeing across the whole school community.

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Education Staff Wellbeing Charter

The school is committed to the wellbeing of everyone in our school community.

Support For Families

At Preston Primary School we are committed to supporting you and your child. We work closely with the agencies listed opposite to ensure that a variety of support is available to you, inside and outside the school environment.

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