Year 5

Year 5 News

Year 5 P.E. timetable 2023-24:

Wednesday (pm) Outdoor

Thursday (pm) Indoor

12th April 2024

What a brilliant first week back at school! 

It was Science Week this week and we had an amazing time asking big questions. We really enjoyed looking at the 'Zoom in, Zoom out' activities on Explorify where we had to guess what an everyday object was when it was really zoomed in. We had some very thoughtful conversations about human lungs and bubbles. 

At the end of the week, we did a biscuit experiment. We had to investigate the big question 'Does the width of a biscuit affect how many times it can be dunked in tea before it breaks?'. We all thought it would and that the thinnest biscuit would break first. However, the rich tea biscuit was the thinnest and it lasted the longest for most of us! 

We did enjoy eating the soggy biscuits afterwards. Well, most of us did!

27th February 2024

This half term, Year 5 are continuing our learning on the book Viking Boy. We have been writing a newspaper report about a raid on a village and have really enjoyed adding some gruesome details to our writing.

Lots of us have also been improving our biking abilities this week. We have been out with instructors learning how to stop safely on the road, how to signal and turn safely at a junction. All of the children who took part represented the school amazingly and have learnt a lot from the experience.

Well done everyone!

2nd February 2024

Over the last couple of weeks, year 5 have been working towards writing a witch scene as part of our work based on the book 'Viking Boy'. We have really enjoyed making our work sound dark and scary using expanded noun phrases, similes and metaphors. Here is an example of our writing. I'm sure you'll agree it is amazing!


In an abandoned, spooky castle, a killer silhouette inhabits the shadows of the night. She is cloaked in a jet -black shawl with a towering, sharp hat covering her long matted hair. She stirs her poison into her cauldron with a dirty, dilapidated stick mixing the deadly drink together. An owl flew across the moon swiftly like a bat ready to land on the witch's shoulder. Rumours are told that in the middle of the night, children enter the castle, but never return home. Despite sending lots of police in, all they found were bones, but no children.

A few nights later, Nightshade, who had lots of victims to kill, was ready to go and find them.

15th January 2024

In music this term, we are doing some music technology using Incredibox. The children can access this at home here ... by clicking 'Demo' at the top for the free version. I'm sure they would love to show you what they have been doing. This week we have just been learning to use the software. Here is an example of one of our pieces from this week ...

12th January 2024

This half term in Year 5, we are learning about the Anglo Saxons and Vikings. We are reading the book Viking Boy. This week, we worked on our reading fluency and read the section of the story with the Witches. We focused on using different voices for different characters and performed a section to each other. The children all did an amazing job and have learnt a lot about some different elements of reading fluently: pace, pause, voices, expression and punctuation.

15th November 2023

Last Friday, there was a remembrance assembly all about remembering the ones we lost during the war. There were poems, dancing, marching and singing. Molly danced. The marchers were Alfie, Max, Finley, James and Albert. The wreath layers walked with the foundations. There were also singers including Charlotte, Joseph, Oliver, Keira and Amelia. Miss Costello said we all did an amazing job!

Written by Charlotte

10th November 2023

This half term, Year 5 are learning all about South Africa. We are looking at what the country is like in geography, learning about the physical and human features. This week we looked at the location of South Africa and used maps to learn about the different provinces.

In English, we are using the book 'Journey to Jo'burg' by Beverley Naidoo, which will help us to also explore the historical context of South Africa during the period of Apartheid.

26th October 2023

Year 5 have worked incredibly hard all half term on their space topic and have gained an excellent understanding. They have worked hard this week to show their knowledge, producing some fantastic information sheets. Here are some examples of their amazing work. I’m sure you’ll agree they are fantastic!

19th October 2023

In literacy this week, we have been working towards a biography of William Wilberforce to link with our Slavery history topic. We had great fun learning different ways to plan a piece of writing. Most of us really liked planning with post-it notes on the table - it was a little bit messy though!

6th October 2023

In science this week, we have been learning about how day and night, and the seasons are created. We have learnt about the Earth's axis and rotation and how these affect the Earth. We had fun using torches to explain how day and night happen, using our scientific vocabulary.

22nd September 2023

This week we went on our residential to Raywell. At Raywell, we got out of the bus and put all our suitcases and everything else in the main room. Later in the evening, we did rock climbing, low ropes and archery. When it started to get dark, we all got wrapped up and got our torches and went outside to find chocolate in the dark. When most of us found the chocolate, we had some hot chocolate and we played a game before we went to sleep. The next day we were split into groups. One group went to the trim trail and another group went to an assault course to race or have fun! Then we had a snack and set off back to school. YAY!

Written by Alfie

15th September 2023

This week in Year 5, we developed our understanding of the planets in our solar system. We started our English topic working towards creating our own non-chronological report on a planet of our choice.

On Tuesday, we had our first ukulele lesson of the year, working on developing our understanding of pulse and rhythm. We had great fun dancing along to music and counting beats together.

8th September 2023

Year 5 have started to learn about Space this week. In English, we wrote a description of the Earth from up in space. We have learnt lots of facts about the planets and begun to learn a Space rap:

In maths, we have been looking at the place value of different numbers up to 10,000.

14th June 2023

Year 4 had a brilliant day exploring the MKM Stadium. They completed maths, english and team building tasks during the tour. We even met one of the players. What a super day!

19th May 2023

Year 4 had another great afternoon doing Forest School.

10th February 2023

Over the last few weeks, Year 4 have been busy learning songs and routines to perform at Young Voices Concert. Today they travelled to Sheffield Arena to showcase their talent.

Young Voices is the largest children's choir in the world! Our children performed alongside over 5000 children from over 130 schools.

20th May 2022

Today Year 3 have been investigating fractions.

12th May 2022

Today year 2 and 3 had a trip to Burton Agnes Hall. They explored the woodland and had a tour of the walled gardens. They found out lots of interesting facts and were able to apply the learning they have done this half term to the real world.

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